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A Major Announcement about Our IN~PERSON Evening Meetings !!

Zoom Meetings WILL NOT Change. 
This is only for In-Person Meetings

~   ~   ~   ~   ~  ~   ~   ~   ~   ~  ~   ~   ~   ~   ~  ~   ~   ~   ~   ~  ~   ~   ~   ~   ~  ~   ~   ~   ~   ~ ~   ~   ~   ~   ~  ~   ~   ~   ~   ~  ~   ~   ~   ~

Remember! Don't Forget! AND Come and Get It!

Saturday Morning Breakfast AND Speaker Meeting !!

You Can't Beat It

Every Saturday

Just Like It Says!

The 1st Weekend of June are the
Board of Directors


Board of Trustees OR Board of Directors?

We don't know how long it has been done, but the Board of Directors has been called a Board of Trustees for some time now. We don't know how it started or when, BUT we thought we ought to go back to the name the founders used when creating our By-Laws. 


The strong By-Laws written 47 years ago named the elected board a Board of Directors

A Board of Trustees fundamental duties are providing an organization with sound governance, fiduciary ($) and strategic oversight, and direction. 

A Board of Directors are responsible for managing the organization. This includes fiduciary responsibilities, as well generally running the organization.  It looks like the Founders of The New Valentine saw the elected Board as a body administering to the present of New Valentine with an eye toward keeping it stronf for the future. The term Board of Directors was chosen deliberately for it to direct The New Valentine Alano Club with the guidance of its members and the spiritual principles that AA has been founded on. And considering the pandemic and its aftermath, The New Valentine has been served very well by all of the Board Of Directors who kept the club going through all of that. All past members of our Board of Directors have worked against many odds to bring New Valentine alive. Their work serve all members who seek sobriety and a better way of life.

Thank you all for being there and caring about The New Valentine like you do. 

Speaking of ELECTIONS!

Our By-Laws call for the election of a President, Treasurer, a Vice-President, financial Secretrary, Recording Secretary and Trustees.

Currently The Board of Directors consists of President (Pat C.), Vice President (Mike R.),  Treasurer (Wendy B.) Financial Secretary (Penelope P.), Recording Secretary (Thom B), Three Trustees (Fidel T, Jerry C, Roy M,)

We also added a committee of Board Associates (Matt D, Matt N, Mary Chris B, John S.)

See the By-Laws concerning the Elections coming up in June. 

You can see the rest of the By- Laws in the "Stay Informed" section that is under click on the  "MORE" button in the menu area at the top. 

You can see the rest of the By- Laws in the "Stay Informed" section that is under the  "MORE" button in the menu area at the top. 
                         Just CLICK on "MORE"                           at the top.

We LOVE Volunteers

Volunteering = Service

Volunteering = FUN !

The Saturday Breakfast!

~ Come to a meeting early ~


~ stick around after ~

Please come by the Club for a Meeting

We are open daily 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM,

7 days a week for all Club members.

Contact us for  more info:

~ Be of service to newcomers ~

~ Fall Monthly Spaghettie Dinners! ~

~ Chair a Meeting! ~


Volunteering can be a lot of things:

Coming to a meeting early.

OR sticking around after.

Being of service to newcomers.

Chairing a Meeting!

Helping Out at The Saturday Breakfast at 8:00 AM.

Hash Tag The New Valentine whenever you're online.


And, Of Course ~ You're always welcome to just Come On By!


Chair a Meeting ~ We need Chair Persons!

~ Please have 1 year of continuous Sobriety OR have finished your 5th Step with a sponsor.

~ You can sign up at the club on the whiteboard next to the Soda Machine.

 ~ Please be available 3 months as chairperson, but you can chair for as long as you like.

Please find a substitute if you cannot make the meeting during your tenure. 

And feel free to contact The New Valentine at if you need to at anytime. 



  • Either continue the previous format or install one you may want to use. Please note the format you are using on the whiteboard. 

  • Please be early for the meeting to meet any new people and provide Fellowship.

  • Please issue all readings you would like to use at the meeting ( Preamble, How it Works, etc.)

  • Our residents will set up the meeting.

  • Pass the 7th Tradition basket.

  • Mark the meeting envelope with # of attendees, Name of Meeting, Day and Date, Amount of Money collected, Your first name and last name initial. 

  • If you need to miss the meeting you are chairing, PLEASE find a substitute Chair for that week. 


Did you know you can help by just lifting your fingers?

{BTW~This message is NOT about your money.}


No, this is about finding other supporters, like YOU, to further the mission of The New Valentine Alano Club and Sober House: To Provide food, lodging and the spirit of recovery that is found in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous.


First of all, we want to create more attendance at our meetings by getting the word out about The New Valentine and our schedule of numerous meetings.

Secondly, we want to widen our recovery based audience.

Thirdly, we want more “traffic” to our Facebook page ( and The New Valentine website (

You can help The New Valentine by only lifting you fingers. Simple and easy.

It is called HASHTAGGING!

* * *SEE How to HASHTAG Below. 

Forgive the following Paragraph . . .

. . . but we have to ask, you understand.

Several projects have completed concerning expensive building improvements in the last six months.

  1. We have new Chairs for our Meeting Room in October!

  2. New Flooring and Tile for our Kitchen in October.

  3. New Color/Paint for the Meeting Room.

  4. New gutters were put up in February. 

  5. We had the brickwork and tuckpointing done in February improving insulation in order to lower heating and cooling cost in the long run.

  6. We replaced rotting wood and a window on the landing in March.


This is, as you know, costs money.


SO- Forgive us for suggesting. . .


Feel Free To Donate To The Club! Use Venmo right here-

OR Send a Check, and Cash still works! 🙂


Every LITTLE bit helps!

~ Like all of us in recovery, we need ALL the help we can get! ~

* * * How To HASHTAG!   

It is as simple as lifting your fingers

HASHTAGGING can be done as easily as writing a Facebook Post. HASHTAGGING is using a word or series of words with no spaces that starts with the ‘#’ sign. For example:


One word because there are no spaces. If you add several hashtags to a Facebook post (whether a message only or a picture with accompanying message) the HASHTAGS that are included in the post will be made available to other hashtags that are related.

A simple message with hashtags added WITHIN the message will be seen on other social media such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest,

For example: You can create a message on The New Valentine Facebook page . . .

That might look like this:

Went to The New Valentine Alano Breakfast meeting and heard a great speaker from the Knuckleheads Thursday Big Book Meeting. The Knuckleheads are speaking at the Saturday Breakfast all month.

                By adding (simply copy and paste) HASHTAGS within the message after the FISRT LINE, your message will connect with other sites that use those hashtags.

Your message would then look like this:

Went to The New Valentine Alano Breakfast meeting and heard a great speaker from the Knuckleheads Thursday Big Book Meeting. #thenewvalentine #alcoholism #addictiontreatment #twelvesteps #friendofbillw #friendofdrbob #thenewvalentine  And, BTW- The Knuckleheads are speaking at the Saturday Breakfast all month.  #recoveryjourney #alcoholism #rehab #recoverywarrior #drugfree #sobercommunity #love #sobermom #recoverycommunity #motivation #selflove #drugaddiction #hope #addictiontreatment #recoveroutloud #basictext #nomatterwhatclub #cleanlife #addict #recoveryisworthit #keepcomingback #serenity #twelvesteps #namember #recoveryjourney #alcoholism #rehab #drugfree #sobercommunity #love #sobermom #motivation #selflove #drugaddiction #hope #addictiontreatment #recoveroutloud #cleanlife #addict #livingclean #recoveryisworthit #keepcomingback #twelvesteps #partysober #namember #grateful #friendofbillw #friendofdrbob


Adding HASHTAGS, makes this message equipped to connect to any associated posts that are related to these HASHTAGS.

The HASHTAGS included in this example are all HASHTAGS that are proven to connect to the most posts about alcoholism and AA. This means it can connect to tens of thousands of other social media users.

                This will mean we can draw additional supporters both at meetings and by donations within the AA and recovery community.

PLEASE HELP by posting to our Facebook page:

And by adding as many of these HASHTAGS as possible. The HASHTAG list is below

***  HASHTAG LIST- #thenewvalentine is the first in the list- use this hashtag all the time!

#thenewvalentine #recoveryjourney #alcoholism #rehab #recoverywarrior #drugfree #sobercommunity #love #sobermom #recoverycommunity #motivation #selflove #drugaddiction #hope #addictiontreatment #recoveroutloud #basictext #nomatterwhatclub #cleanlife #addict #recoveryisworthit #keepcomingback #serenity #twelvesteps #namember

#recoveryjourney #alcoholism #rehab #drugfree #sobercommunity #love #sobermom #motivation #selflove #drugaddiction #hope #addictiontreatment #recoveroutloud #cleanlife #addict #livingclean #recoveryisworthit #keepcomingback #twelvesteps #partysober #namember #grateful #friendofbillw #friendofdrbob


The New Valentine Alano Club’s mission:

To support a Sober Men’s House that provides beds, food, lodging and a healthy atmosphere of recovery for men expressing a desire to seek sobriety, who are reaching out for help, and who are willing to seek a 12-step program of recovery.


NVAC is a separate organization from Alcoholics Anonymous, but NVAC is dedicated to creating an atmosphere of recovery in the spirit of AA’s 12 Steps and 12 Traditions.

Become a Member

How to Become a Member

​$10.00 for a monthly membership.


$100.00 for a yearly membership.


We are open daily

8:00 am to 10:00 PM,

7 days a week for all Club members.


  • Come early for meetings to greet fellow AA members.

  • Be at the club before, stay after, and come in between any of our 16 meetings a week to support our residents and for fellowship with fellow AA members.

  • Be of service to newcomers and all AA members. 

  • Support a great organization! 

I am Responsible. 


When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be there. And for that: I am responsible.


It's Easy!




Send a check to:

2997 S Archer Ave, Chicago, IL 60608

On the check and envelope note the word "MEMBERSHIP"

Include a sheet/note that has your name, email, phone, and home address. 



Come to the club for a meeting or fellowhip:


 Put a check in an envelope (we have envlelpes if you need one). Mark the envelope with "MEMBERSHIP." Include a sheet/note that has your name, email, phone, and home address on it. And just drop it in the safe (anyone at the club will show you where the safe is.)


Use the Venmo App, Below:


Scanning with your camera app on the phone Will bring you to the Venmo App, Download if you need to. If not, just make the payment like any other transaction. 

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